Epilepsy is a kind of neurological issue in which individuals have sudden seizures. 

It is a treatable disease but three-fourth people affected by this disease in developing countries do not get proper treatment. Approximately 10 million (1 Crore) people in India are suffering from seizures that are associated with epilepsy.

How to deal with the seizures caused during epilepsy?

– Don’t panic.

– Loose tight clothes near the neck if there is.

– Remove sharp objects out of the person suffering with seizures.

– Gently roll the person from one side so that any fluid present in the mouth comes out.
Under the head of the person put some type of soft cloth.

– Do not give or push anything to the mouth of the person.

– Remain with the person until any help arrives.

– Allow the person to rest or sleep.

Certain tips for the Epileptic person are as follows:

– If the epilepsy patient does not suffer from seizures then also it is advised to take proper medication as advised by the doctor.

– Don’t discontinue medicine without the advice of a doctor.

– Before taking any other medication, it is better to consult or to take advice from the doctor.

– Don’t drink alcohol because it provokes seizures.

# Take Neurologist opinion for further management#